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Contemplative Dance Practice
Wednesdays at 6:00pm at Roger Williams Park, Temple of Music, Providence RI
Talk-through for beginners at 5:55
Dates (2023):
August 16
August 30
*Practice will continue through the fall, stay tuned for updates to time/location
Contemplative Dance Practice (CDP) is an hour-long community practice that combines meditation and movement, created by Barbara Dilley.
Bring a blanket, yoga mat, and your own cushions to be comfortable on the ground. When you arrive, arrange your cushions around the edges of the space. The framework, or score, is as follows:
• 20 minutes—Sitting Meditation
ding, ding, ding, ding (bell)
• 20 minutes—Personal Awareness Practice (could be considered personal warm up; you are listening to your body and letting the body lead. You could be near your cushion or anywhere in the space; writing and singing are also possible)
• 20 minutes—Open Space (sense of community; short bow to enter and to exit the space; it's practice not performance)
• a few final moments of sitting
ding, ding, ding, bow
More Information...
-You may join a few minutes early, and it is ok if you are a few minutes late.
-Generally, this is a non-verbal practice, participants arrive knowing the framework, or "score"
-Sometimes I read a little something to seed the sit, but generally you are on your own to find a meditation pathway you enjoy.
-If we start late, we still end on time.
-In the first phase, you may meditate in any of the four noble postures: standing, sitting, laying on your back, or walking.
-In the second phase, sounding is welcome, especially if it helps you to locate kinesthetic delight.
-In the third phase, begin in your starting/meditation space. Acknowledge your choice to join the dance with a gesture (a bow is customary, but there is space for you to generate a gesture that is meaningful to you). Acknowledge your choice to finish your dance with the same gesture and return to your starting position. There is no limit to the number of times you might complete this cycle.
-After the third phase ending bell, we sit for about a minute or so, the bell rings 4 times to signal the end of the practice, and we bow together.
-There is no requirement to stick around, or socialize after the practice. And also, sticking around to socialize after the practice is always welcome.
-There is no expectation that you will arrive, there is no need to check in. If you make it, you will be there. You will always be welcome. You may invite a friend, and practice with others in your household. This space is inclusive of beings of all ages and species.
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